Friday, 24 May 2013

Uncle Leo

Here's that photograph of Uncle Leo in his RAN officer's uniform (see post 23 May 2013). The badge on his sleeve looks like that of a Commander (See RAN ranks).

Leopold James Phillimore Carr (1892-1970) was the second son of TP and Harriett Carr. He had a distinguished career as an Engineer in the RAN, serving for 35 years from 1915. He reached the highest rank possible for a Navy Engineer and was awarded an OBE for service in the Atlantic during WWII.

Check out his entry on the WWII Nominal Roll.

He never married. He was an intelligent, kind and generous man who had a good sense of humour. I plan to do more research into his life... some day!


  1. Welcome to Geneabloggers! One of my uncles was a Carr. His family was from Pennsylvania, but I don't know too much about their history. Looking forward to more posts as you discover more.


    1. Thanks for your welcome. I am glad to have finally started the blog. I was contacted by a quite elderly gentleman in Newbury, Vermont last month (by a handwritten letter) who wrote that he is a descendant of a Parker Carr who traced his ancestry back to Ireland. I can't say if there is any connection but I plan to do a post about that soon. All the best, Ed

  2. Just found your blog, thanks to a mention in GeneaBloggers today. You will find a lot of readers stopping by, bitten by that very same "bug" you mentioned in your intro! Keep writing those family stories. Over the years, there will be many who will end up reading them!

    1. Thanks, Jacqi. I was surprised to see a reference to my blog up so fast on Geneabloggers Facebook page. I often wonder what I will do with the family history work I have done over time. Must find an apprentice to hand over to!
