Monday, 10 June 2013

Protecting privacy

People are concerned about their privacy on the internet.

I have come up with the following provisional “rules” for protecting the privacy of family members and others who could be mentioned on this blog.

  • I won’t mention the name, or other identifying details, of anyone living, without getting their consent
  • The same goes for photographs
  • I’ll try to avoid revealing someone’s identity indirectly
  • I may refer to living people by an alias or by initials, if that’s not too revealing.
What do other people do? I will look at other blogs to get an idea.


  1. Welcome to Geneabloggers. I look forward to reading more about what you uncover about your family.

    I've only being research my history since 2010, and I love it.

    1. Thank you Betsy. I saw your Google maps images - streetview etc - what a great tool.

  2. Thanks Grant. I have visited your blog - very impressive. I thought the Youtube video a great way to showcase your research and pictures. Congrats.

  3. I name people who are dead and refer to the living as dad, mum, little brother, nephew, and husband as Mr Jax. I guess anyone who knows me will know who they are. I usually send a link to the post involving them, or even an email before posting. Seems to work, so far.

    1. A good, common sense, solution. Thanks Jackie
